Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm only Human!

Greetings to you,

My last post was on 2 May 2011. Wow! I was just starting my 4th full round of P90X and was excited to see the results the program continues to bring.

Unfortunately, we are all human and sometimes we let life get in the way of our goals. This has happended to me and I am now reaping what I have sown for the past 6 weeks or so. No matter how good your plans are, you can get sidetracked if you aren't diligent in keeping your priorities in place. This is what has happended to me.

There are several events over the past several weeks that added to my busy and often stressful life that I believe threw me over the proverbial edge and quickly on a downward spiral away from my health and fintess pursuits.

First, my wife and I went on vacation to Freeport, Bahamas to do some scuba diving. It was a great week and I managed to get in about 14 dives for the week. My wife also took her Open Water Certification course while we were there and is now a certified diver. I am very proud of her for taking the step. Now that she is certified, we can dive pretty much anywhere in the world. The final dive we did together was at a place called "Shark Alley" and we had the pleasure of diving with at least 9 sharkes I could count as we entered the water. That was very exciting and my wife handled it very well.

Over the course of the week, I managed to eat like a pig and gained a total of 4 pounds even though I was diving ever day. This is what happens when you eat everything in sight. Four pounds is really not that much when you have the knowledge and tools to lose it quickly. Once we came home, I did the Shakeology 3-day cleanse and lost about 5 pounds so I was right back on track.

The week we got back, I got some very disturbing news, which I won't go into but suffice it to say it was such that I had to drop everything in my life to work through it immediately. This resulted in me not working out and my food intake started to slip to fast food and sodas to keep me going. Within 1 month I gained the 4 pounds back and an additional 10 pounds!! My weight is currently 207.4 pounds and I am not very happy about it. Fortunately, I got through the family emergency and it is time to refocus my attention on my personal health and fitness. After all, how can I expect to help others reach their potential when I am struggling with my issues?

This leads me to a new opportunity. I have been living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining my weight and fitness level using Beachbody workout programs like P90X, TurboFire, and other random workouts thrown in to keep things mixed up. The great thing is I know these programs work and I can get right back on track as soon as I am ready.

I have decided to start my Round 4 over again this coming Monday. I plan to lose at least 20 pounds this round and will follow a more strick diet this time in an effort to reduce my body fat and increase lean muscle over the course of the next 90 days. Diet is about 80% of the program if you really want to get lean and have a 6-pack. The programs work to make you healthy and functionally fit, but you have to eat really clean to lose the body fat. I have only got down to about 12% body fat and my abs had just started showing through. I was not that concerned about being really lean in the past because I had reached and exceeded all my health and fitness goals and have been able to maintain that lifestyle for nearly two years until recently.

Another change I plan to make this round is to do my workouts in the morning around 430 am to 530 am instead of 6 pm. This should be interesting because I am not a morning person and it will take a little time to get used to the new schedule but I believe it will be beneficial to change it up and "shock" my body. I need to get on that schedule and have been trying to go to bed earlier but it is proving difficult so far. The bottom line is that I have to be disciplined if I want the results I am after. Nothing worth having has ever been easy in my experience, so I am looking at this like entering military basic training all over again.

I will be posting my measurements, weight and some photos this Sunday as I start (or continue) my journey to better health and fitness. Check back and click to follow this blog if you want to watch my progress. It should be fun and interesting. Until next time.

To your health and fitness,
